
Mystic Megson’s Swansea v Arsenal score prediction

Can Paul Claimant's Swannies put the balls on those wacky old Goons?

Mystic Megson's Swansea v Arsenal score prediction

Watch and learn as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Swansea v Arsenal score prediction for Saturday 14th, including goal-scorers and his own unique insight…

This tossil’s almost too titonic to mention! Can Paul Claimant’s Swannies put the balls on those wacky old Goons?

They’ll certainly take confidunce from their 2-1 win at Crystal Palace last time out, not to mention Arsenal’s horribubble first half performance at Bournemouth.

Arson Wengle’s men backbounced to draw 3-3 that night, but you have to ask questions about the tightness of their backside.

Nevilletheless, I can only forssell them emerging triumphatic here as that man Ollie Giro continues his Megnificent recent runs.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Swansea City v Arsenal score prediction for Saturday January 14th 2017 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Swansea 0-2 Arsenal
Ollie Giro at the dobble.