
Mystic Megson’s Burnley v Everton score prediction

Who will portvale as Shane Dyke's Clarences welcome Ronald Cumin's Toffles to Murf's Tor?

Mystic Megson's Burnley v Everton score prediction

Burst into wild, spontaneous applause as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Burnley v Everton score prediction for Saturday, including goal-scorers and his own distinctive take on proceedings…

It’s almost too titonic for words! Who will portvale as Shane Dyke’s Clarences welcome Ronald Cumin’s Toffles to Murf’s Tor?

Burnley are strong at home, that’s for certainly – they beat Liverpool 2-0 and ran Arsenal pretty damn closely, I’ll tell you that for a fee.

The tightness of their backside at Murf’s Tor will be their Clinton card here, because they don’t score millions.

As for Everton, they did Megnificently to save two penalties at Man City last time out and that man Romy-Lou Lukaku is in flames.

If only they could get the likes of Gerd Dualfuel and Melvin Kirallas firing on all cillit bang, they’d really take some stoppage.

I forssell a tight ink counter ending in a point apriest.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Burnley v Everton score prediction for Saturday October 22nd 2016 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Burnley 0-0 Everton
A goalless snore.