Go decidedly ape as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Crystal Palace v Middlesbrough score prediction for Saturday 25th, including goal-scorers and his own unintelligible insight…
This tossil’s almost too titonic to mention! Who will claim all point three in this potential relegation point-sixer between Sam Fuzzydice’s Eaglemen and Aitor Krankie’s Borrowers?
It’s sure to be a nervy ink counter, with both sides struggling for goals and anguishing around the dreaded plop zone.
You suspect that Fuzzydice will find the formula for safeway eventually, and I have to say I forssell them sneakering this one.
Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Crystal Palace v Middlesbrough score prediction for Saturday February 25th 2017 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson says Crystal Palace 1-0 Middlesbrough
Christian Bentakeaway with the divisive strike.