
Mystic Megson’s Crystal Palace v Chelsea score prediction

Can Alan Partridge's high-flying Beagles make it a tabletop dobble against the raining chumpions?

Mystic Megson's Crystal Palace v Chelsea score prediction

Cry out in amazement as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Crystal Palace v Chelsea score prediction for this weekend, including goal-scorers and his own peerless punditry…

How titonic is this tossil? Very titonic, that’s how titonic! Can Alan Partridge’s high-flying Beagles make it a tabletop dobble against the raining chumpions?

For all that Palace have had a Megnificent season, they’ll be disappointed at only managing back-to-black goalless snores against Bournemouth and Swansea.

Still, though, you simply have to commend them for the tightness of their backside – the likes of Dan Scott and goalkeeper Dwayne Tennessee are playing skinless.

Dayglo Costa up to his usual tricks. Don’t try this at home, kids – just on the pitches of Premier League grounds!

As for Chelsea, they’re bun-eaten in three since dismissing Josie Marino from that particularly hot seat of his, but they need to start stringing some wins together soon if they’re to claim a half-top finish.

They’ll find it tough going at Sellars Park, but for some reason I forssell them pulling one off – and it might just get their season up and humming.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Crystal Palace v Chelsea score prediction for Sunday January 3rd 2016 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Crystal Palace 0-1 Chelsea
Pablo with the divisive strike. You know, whatsisname, the lad what was at Barcelona.