
Boa Morte and Jeffers inspired my Barnet move, admits Davids

Edgar Davids
Davids… Sans shades (Img: Paul Blank)
Legendary Dutch midfield Edgar Davids admits that he agreed to sign for Barnet so as not to be left trailing behind Luis Boa Morte and Francis Jeffers, who have joined Chesterfield Town and Maltese side Floriana respectively.

As Football Burp exclusively revealed last week, these moves – along with managerial reports concerning Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Neil Ardley – saw a man in Bury scoop the mult-million-pound Old Game of Football Manager Coming True jackpot.

Davids, eccentric, probably, I mean just look at him, told Football Burp that upon hearing the news he immediately contacted the winning man to find out what task his own ‘future’ self had been designated by the award-winning Sports Interactive spreadsheet.

He said: “So I asks Dave, the lad from Bury, what I was up to in his old Football Manager game, which has been allowed to run into 2012 from a starting point of 2004.

“He says to me, Edgar, you’re playing for Barnet, lad – and coaching them. I knew then what I had to do.

“I told everyone that my Underhill move was primarily motivated by the desire to help young talent develop, but in reality it was because I couldn’t let something so utterly ridiculous pass by without me being a key player in it.

“As you can see from my appearance, I’m really rather eccentric, so it pleases me greatly to be able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Luis and Franny, and proudly say, ‘I helped Dave from Bury’s old Football Manager game come true, scooping him a jackpot which would allow him to jack in his career as a sales assistant if he weren’t so damned down-to-earth about the whole thing.’

“Or perhaps he’s changed his mind? I don’t know – I haven’t spoken to him since last week, so as far as I’m concerned there is NO NEWS to report.”

He added: “NO NEWS TODAY.”