Toulouse provided an official club 'sick note' for fans anxious about missing today's 5pm cup quarter-final against Marseille
(Image: Luc-Eric Manneville/Lucio fr)

PHOTOS: Toulouse offer official ‘sick note’ for 5pm cup tie

French side provide variety of excuses for fans anxious about missing Marseille clash.

Il est encore temps d'imprimer votre lettre d'excuse pour pouvoir assister à #TFCOMhttps://t.co/zKqMHIJ6wP pic.twitter.com/xk8MRSfPRQ

— Toulouse FC Officiel (@ToulouseFC) January 13, 2016

Ligue 1 side Toulouse have provided an official club ‘sick note’ for fans anxious about missing today’s 5pm cup quarter-final against Marseille.

The excuse letter, which can be downloaded and printed from Toulouse’s website, allows for the following reasons to be given for absence from work or school:

  • To passionately play the role of 12th man for Toulouse
  • To ardently support the club of their heart, Toulouse, over the case of 90 minutes (or longer in case of extra time)
  • To see with their own eyes Marseille eliminated and to savour the moment like it should be
  • To familiarise oneself with the renovated stand before its official inauguration on Saturday
  • To see with their own eyes Marseille eliminated and to savour the moment like it should be
  • To clear one’s mind with the silky sills of Oscar Trejo and the precision striking of Wissam Ben Yedder