
Joey Barton rages at Dietmar Hamann in latest Twitter meltdown


Joey Barton confirmed his lunatic credentials yesterday, continuously escalating a Twitter feud with Dietmar Hamann with a series of tweets accusing the German of smoking spliffs the night before matches and frittering his money away on cocaine and gambling.

The Marseille midfielder, dangerously unstable, blew his top when his former Manchester City teammate told him off for tweeting about about the transfer of Loic Remy to either one of his ex-clubs Queens Park Rangers and Newcastle United. Some of the tweets have since been deleted, but this is apparently what was said…

Good luck to Loic in Newcastle. Don’t worry i’ve told him what to expect. Great guy. Perfect club for him. #toonarmy

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 13, 2013

DH: “Joey do yourself a favour and stay out of club politics QPR and NUFC have paid you well for playing not to commentonrecruitment”

JB: “trying to give me stick you cheeky man. Get your own life in order first… #peopleinglasshouses”

DH: “I never said a bad word about my ex clubs and I never will as that’s called respect and dignity Joseph .You got a lot to learn”

JB: “only cos your trying your ******** off to get a job now your skint. Don’t try a be all self righteous u blert. I know u!
“what about they way I seen you prepare for a game. That dignified? Worst pro I’ve ever seen Youve got more front than Harrods”

DH: “My life was in order well before yours you should light a candle for Fernandes and Llambias every day for paying you that money”

JB: “you earned a few quid yourself. U choose to spunk it. Don’t hate me cos ur a **** up!
“u WHERE a good player. More to life than football, u nugget…
“if you wanna have it out publicly. Am here all day mate. Not having idiots like you talking like u actually have a clue!
“you where a good player. Won more than me, yeah. Thats were you en mate on the pitch. Ur life’s a car crash. #pipedown”

DH: “The problem is that you think because you play in France you think you are an international player #farfromit”

JB: “like being a family man. Being honest. Being loyal. Being a man. Being able to look at yourself in the mirror. Can u do that?”

DH: “Yes I do look in the mirror. I made mistakes but don’t forget where you come from.Dont bite the hand off that feeds you”

JB: “don’t be getting all self righteous. If I were you i’d think twice about trying to be clever or giving ANYBODY stick.”

DH: “Joseph I won’t get personal as Twitter is not the place to do that but don’t think you are bigger than you are”

JB: “before you get fully emptied out publicly, you blert. You’ve got my number. You know where to find me 24/7”

DH: “No problem Joseph lets see each other in 5 years I hope I don’t have to go to Walton #prison
“You said you want to boil burglars alive last week ..get a grip son and concentrate on your football …England international”

JB: “champions leagues medals don’t make ur wife or kids respect u. Ur life like a car crash mate. Sort ur own house out!”
“Sick of washed up former pro’s giving it big portions cos they’ve wasted their money. Medals don’t pay your kids schools fees… #jogon
“I won’t however be told be someone I deem vastly inferior as a MAN, how to live my life.”

DH: “The medals won’t make my kids respect me but im not prepared to punch a child in the face in McDonald’s for them to respect me”
“I love a pint but never took drugs in my life be careful what you say England international #dontgetangryjoseph”






Joey Barton timeline


Sick of washed up former pro’s giving it big portions cos they’ve wasted their money. Medals don’t pay your kids schools fees… #jogon

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 14, 2013

I’ll take advice from people I respect. I won’t however be told be someone I deem vastly inferior as a MAN, how to live my life. #norespect

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 14, 2013

There is more to life than kicking around a football. Yes, its great. I am lucky. I’d give it all up tomo for my family. #inaheartbeat

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 14, 2013

Sniffed and gambled all your dough. What a waste. Left kids and wife, cos u pulled a young bird. Tragic. Now do one Tourette’s face!

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 14, 2013

I won’t be engaging with dis-loyal, glue sniffers anymore. Say what he wants from now on. I’ll see him when I see him… #smallworld

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 14, 2013

Disappointed in myself for getting involved in that. But never let a dog try to tell u its not a dog an that u are! A dogs a fucking dog…

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 14, 2013

Don’t pity him. He had it coming and got his few thousand followers, he constantly baits me for. #drugsareforinsecuremugs

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 14, 2013

This comes the day after he took on The Charlatans front man Tim Burgess in a debate about disability benefits…

Joey-Barton v Tim-Burgess

…which stemmed from these Barton tweets…

Great this twitter, its lets people whose mums work in farmfoods whilst claiming benefits, have a pop at successful folk like me? Brilliant.

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 12, 2013

My ‘farmfoods’ tweet offended lots o people. That delights me. Whilst I’m at it, claiming benefits isn’t a life choice. Get a job…

— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) January 12, 2013

The conversation in full unfolding as follows…

TB: Nice to see Joey Barton’s dropped the Nietzsche/ Morrissey quotes and is ordering people on benefits to ‘get a job’. Classy as ever ; )

JB: leave it Burgess…

TB: I just wish you’d use what you have to better effect sometimes. There’s a lot of people listening to you ; )

JB: I have enough about me to be able to form an opinion, about the society I see today. What am I to do? Tow the party line?

… you know as well as I do, that for a lot of people(not all) claiming benefits has become a life choice. Sad but true…

TB: Not at all. Having your own opinion & standing by it is hugely important. Knowing the full story regarding ‘benefits’ is too

JB: also Tim, if you actually seen the tweet it refers to, you’d of known the context, in which it was spoken. Read more/speak less

TB: < tbh I know more who are being forced to look for work despite disabilities – right wing press pick up on 'benefit cheats'

JB: 'benefit cheating' is not the core of my argument. It's 'benefits' as an alternative to a job, that concerns me.

… they refuse to do a job, that they deem is below them. So, decide to draw benefits till a good job comes along? I know plenty

TB: But I think that's less prevalent than is made out by the likes of The Daily Mail. They are turning people against each other

JB: have you ever thought why the ethnic demographic has,over a prolonged period of time, done so well in the UK? Prepared to graft

… I have stopped reading such things, as they only distort your view. All I know is what I've experienced 1st hand…

TB: Twitter is not the place for racial stereotypes, either positive or negative. It can all get a bit EDL quickly!

… You have lots of experiences that many will never have. Would be great to see you use that the advantage of many others

JB: love to continue this debate another day Timothy. Got a match to prepare for tonight. Gonna have to love you and leave you…

…in fact, pretty much everyone got stuck into Barton…

@joey7barton If I didn’t follow you how would I be able to pull you up on your flawed political rhetoric and spot your Googled quotes?

— Macca (@The_Paris_Angel) January 12, 2013

@joey7barton not all. Some people RT and end up reading your drivel. Dick

— The Villa Blog (@AVFCBlog) January 12, 2013

@joey7barton When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they hope the trawler will have a hilarious meltdown.

— Toby Fair (@TopTopPundit) January 12, 2013

.@joey7barton claims to read Chomsky. Being a big fan of his works, I think old Chomskychops would say ‘read my stuff again, CAREFULLY.’

— Ian Clark (@ijclark) January 12, 2013

@joey7barton inbred they maybe but i bet the majority have never put out a Cigar in a teenagers eye. #thug

— yaya toure (@YayaToure_) January 12, 2013

Even eminent comedienne Ava Vidal got in on the act…

.@joey7barton I don’t but your crap is being RT’d into my TL. You were great re: Gaza. What’s happened to you?!

— AvaVidal (@AvaVidal) January 12, 2013

Should Joey Barton be fired into the sun? Have your say in the comments section below…