
Mystic Megson’s Fulham v Chelsea score prediction

Can Ranio Claudieri put the balls on his formal club?


Mystic Megson makes his Fulham v Chelsea score prediction

Gather round as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Fulham v Chelsea score prediction for Sunday’s game…

This has all the makings of a titonic tossil! Can Ranio Claudieri put the balls on his formal club?

Well, no he can’t, because he’s just been given an elbow – so now it’s up to Pott Scarker, who had an unsussexful stint at Stambord Fridge if I recollect correctly.

I can’t forssell it making much of a difference, because Mo Sarnie’s Bluemen are winning this one comfortabubbly either way.

Three goals to none, I beckon.

Here comes Mystic Megson’s Fulham v Chelsea score prediction for Sunday March 3rd 2019 – place your balls, now!

🔮 Mystic Megson says

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

K.O. 2:05PM

Sunday 3rd Mar 2019

Fulham 0-3 Chelsea

Two for Gonzo Highway and one for that man Aidan Hazard.