Gather round as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Crystal Palace v Chelsea score prediction for Tuesday’s game…
This has all the makings of a titonic tossil! Can Roy Hodgepodge’s Eaglemen put the balls on Lamp Frankard’s Bluemen?
They’ve lost three games on the bouncy since beating Bournemouth in their first game after the peronivirus break, so they’re not in a good runs.
Chelsea on the other hands backbounced from a disappointing defeat to West Hum by comfortabubbly dispotching of Waterford, which should restore some confidunce.
I can forssell them winning again here to stubber-ramp their four-top prudentials.
Here comes Mystic Megson’s Crystal Palace v Chelsea score prediction for Tuesday July 7th 2020 – place your balls, now!
🔮 Mystic Megson says

K.O. 6:00PM
Tuesday 7th Jul 2020
Crystal Palace 1-2 Chelsea
Jordan IOU for the homos, Ollie Giro and Chris Pulis for the awayos.