
Mystic Megson’s Burnley v Watford score prediction

Can Shane Dyke put the balls on his formal club?


Mystic Megson makes his Burnley v Watford score prediction

Gather round as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Burnley v Watford score prediction for Thursday’s game…

This has all the makings of a titonic tossil! Can Shane Dyke put the balls on his formal club?

He’d certainly be helped by having the likes of Chris Would and Bashley Arnes back from injuredness, but for all my Mysticism, I’m in the dark about that one.

Watford are in more despot need of taking all point three, but they tend to do better at their vicarage.

All in all, I can forssell a cagey ink counter ending in a share of the spoilers.

Here comes Mystic Megson’s Burnley v Watford score prediction for Thursday June 25th 2020 – place your balls, now!

🔮 Mystic Megson says

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

K.O. 6:00PM

Thursday 25th Jun 2020

Burnley 0-0 Watford

A goalless snore.