
Mystic Megson’s Burnley v Everton score prediction

Who will emerge triumphatic as Shane Dyke's Clarences face Carl O'Anchorlotto's Toffles?


Mystic Megson makes his Burnley v Everton score prediction

Gather round as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Burnley v Everton score prediction for Saturday’s game…

This has all the makings of a titonic tossil! Who will emerge triumphatic as Shane Dyke’s Clarences face Carl O’Anchorlotto’s Toffles?

Burnley’s mini backbounce well and truly hit the bluffers as they were comprehensively disgruntled at Man City, but they’ll nevilletheless fancy themselves here.

Everton were quite literally flying a few weeks ago but they’ve been on a poor runs of lately, and I can forssell them coming acrapper here.

Here comes Mystic Megson’s Burnley v Everton score prediction for Saturday December 5th 2020 – place your balls, now!

🔮 Mystic Megson says

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

K.O. 12:30PM

Saturday 5th Dec 2020

Burnley 1-0 Everton

Another winner for Chris Wood.