
VIDEOS & PICS: Angry Arsenal fans rage at Wenger and the board

Angry Arsenal fans rage at Arsène Wenger and the board after and during the 1-3 defeat to Aston Villa on the opening day of the Premier League season.

"Enough Is Enough - Wenger Out" stickers on the Arsenal Training Centre sign, planted by angry Arsenal fans
Stickers… Represent anger (Image: Twitter/Memz_Dogi)

See angry Arsenal fans rage at manager Arsène Wenger and the board after, and even during, defeat to Aston Villa on the opening day of the Premier League season.

Following the north London side’s 1-3 loss at the Emirates, all the frustration at the lack of big signings came flooding out of the supporters…

There’s vicious videos, pertinent pics and troublemaking tweets:

Fair to say biggest 2 weeks of Wenger's career at @Arsenal to date are coming up. Fans across the planet furious.

— Samuel (@samuelj29060) August 18, 2013

Arsenal FC FanTalk: Either the Board or Wenger Must Go

“Either the Board or Wenger Must Go” says a very passionate angry Fan after Arsenal suffer shock defeat to Aston Villa.

Arsenal FC FanTalk: We are the worst prepared club

Fan from Belgium makes some great points following the defeat to Villa.

Arsenal fans sing “Spend Some Money” during the game

ArseBang: #4 – Dear Arsene

Angry Arsenal fan photos

It's all good Arsenal fans the hope never dies… #InArseneWeTrust pic.twitter.com/qGJx3NqunC

— MostarLFC (@MostarLFC) August 16, 2013

It would seem as if some #WengerOut stickers have magically appeared at the Arsenal Training Ground…GOOD WORK TEAM pic.twitter.com/KF7RXKSzvl

— Memz Dogi (@Memz_Dogi) August 18, 2013

Arsenal fan today #spend pic.twitter.com/0cq4lYYQuP

— wilshere_team10 (@wilshere_team10) August 17, 2013

Read AST statement on this screencap if the website if suffering under hits: pic.twitter.com/mSSvNwHYwX Offering AW a new contract inappropitae

— AST (@AST_arsenal) August 18, 2013

Arsenal water = cost me £3. Arsenal transfer spend = £0 pic.twitter.com/WslKkrNLrJ

— Jong Dodge (@JongDodge) August 17, 2013

This Arsenal fan spent more on this ticket than their tight arse board has all summer @standamf #ripoff pic.twitter.com/ULueLPysSz

— You Are My Palace (@Youaremypalace) August 18, 2013

Angry Arsenal fan bonus

United's MoM yesterday > Van Pursestrings. Barca's MoM today > @cesc4official – both Arsenal captains sold at their peak. #WENGEROUT

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) August 18, 2013

Dear @Arsenal…. pic.twitter.com/PYyI3jfSpg

— Wenger's Wingman (@mikesanz19) August 17, 2013

PLUS: Arsenal jokes

Check out our collection of the best Arsenal jokes after the opening day defeat and transfer worries.