
Top 15: Things that cost the same as Samuel Eto’o’s annual salary

Amy MacDonald Ankh-Morpork Cameroon striker Samuel Eto’o reportedly earns £18m a year playing for the Russian club that lost 1-0 to Liverpool in last night’s Europa League clash at Anfield, so Football Burp got thinking: what else can that precise figure get you these days? Here are 15 recent examples of things that cost the same as Samuel Eto’o’s annual wages…

Anzhi Makhachkala and Cameroon striker Samuel Eto'o
Eto’o… Flush (Img: Steindy)

1. Alton Towers’ biggest, most “intense” rollercoaster to date

2. Sponsorship of the England cricket team for four years

3. The total of payments made by Ulster Bank to almost 300,000 Northern Ireland customers hit by IT problems over the summer

4. A five-storey extension to the University of Warwick

5. Cranswick Pet Products

6. An important link road between Doncaster and Sheffield’s Robin Hood Airport and the M18 motorway

7. A new 476-room halls of residence at the University of Glamorgan

8. A new complex in Lladudno housing a special education needs school for 170 pupils – including a library, IT rooms, therapy facilities, a hydro-pool and sports hall – as well as a ten-bed residential area, improved parking and new sports pitches

9. Road improvements in the North-East aimed at removing bottlenecks from trunk roads and motorways in the region’s high-growth areas

10. Scotland’s first national parenting strategy, which promises to provide better access to childcare, fostering and family counselling

11. A new leisure, health and social care complex on the site of the old Oldbury Leisure Centre, which will feature a full-sized artificial grass pitch, outdoor exercise trail, sports hall, hydrotherapy pool, gym and weight area, dance studio, sensory room, climbing wall, café and a GP practice

12. An investment in quantum computing firm D-Wave made by Amazon founder/CEO Jeff Bezos in partnership with the CIA

13. The estimate cost of evicting residents from Dale Farm, the UK’s largest illegal travellers’ site

14. The amount Anglesey Mining’s 26 per cent-owned Labrador Iron Mines is set to raise through issuing thirty million shares at $1 each

15. The total value of “valuable and culturally significant” Chinese works of art stolen from the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, in a heist likened to that from the film Ocean’s Eleven

Do you know of anything else that costs the same as Samuel Eto’o’s annual wage? Have your say in the comments section below…