
VIDEO: Tony Hibbert talks to the Angling Times

Tony Hibbert talks to the Angling Times in Tony Hibbert's Life in Angling
“Fishing? Absolutely love it.” (Image: YouTube/GoFishingOnline)

Tony Hibbert invited the Angling Times to visit his very own carp fishery and ask him some fish-based questions.

No fishing magazine could refuse such an offer from the legendary Blue and firm fans favourite who has now made over 300 appearances for Everton in all competitions.

The right back, 32, purchased the fishery last year – realising a life-long dream, apparently.

And Burp must say that it looks lovely.

Check out the video below and take a look around the Hibbert’s Lac de Premiere.

Hear the player answer scintillating questions about his personal best, whether more footballers are starting to prefer fishing over golf, what his “dream day on the bank” would be… and much, much more.

Watch Tony Hibbert’s Life in Angling now:

Thanks to the excellent GoFishingOnline for the video:

Everton FC’s longest serving player Tony Hibbert realised a life-long dream to buy his own carp fishery last year and this summer he invited Angling Times for a quick session.

Angling Times Editor Steve Fitzpatrick and UKCarp Magazine editor James Furness headed over to the aptly named Lac de Premiere to find out more…

The Angling Times Editor also tweeted a copy of Hibbert on the front-cover of the magazine:

Tony Hibbert on the front of @angling_times this week! @sylvaind15tin @therealstevenpi @fizzer18 @D_gibson4 pic.twitter.com/KHsIbBRLH9

— Steve Fitzpatrick (@AnglingTimesEd) June 24, 2013