Watch a Taiwanese animated report on the emergence of the Liverpool list of unacceptable words and phrases from veteran contributors NMA TV.
A photo of the list, given to match-day staff in order to advise them on certain “abusive” language they should listen out for, was leaked earlier this week and has itself become an internet sensation.
In case you missed it, take a look at the Liverpool list of unacceptable words and phrases.
NMA TV have chosen to pick up on the controversial inclusion of some of the gender-related terms, with the animation simply entitled:
Liverpool FC could ban fans for saying ‘man up’ or ‘that’s gay’
The clip then goes on to claim that:
The Reds have taken this way too far.
Watch the full Taiwanese animation below:
From the NMA TV YouTube video description:
Liverpool fans will never talk alone now that Liverpool FC has become Liverpool PC.
In an effort to eradicate verbal abuse by fans, Liverpool staff have been given a guide to unacceptable language, namely slurs against race, sexual orientation, gender and disabilities. Fans caught yelling at players to “man up” or “don’t be a woman” or calling players names such as “fairy” or “rent boy” could be banned from Anfield.
To be sure, racism and homophobia are problems in football, but we believe the Reds have taken this way too far. This smacks of an effort by football authorities and media elites to impose their values on the masses.