– Кристиан Бистрович. Я сейчас прямо стану мокрым
Он становился все мокрее и мокрее. Но все равно продолжал говорить…https://t.co/kBQcQLrf6W@eugen_evnevich pic.twitter.com/HzQY4VkDKk
— Матч ТВ (@MatchTV) August 25, 2019
Match TV reporter Evgeniy Evnevich was drenched by a sprinkler during a live broadcast from the pitch at the VEB Arena, home of CSKA Moscow.
Evnevich was speaking to camera during the build-up to CSKA’s 3-0 win over Akhmat Grozny in the Russian Premier League.
Евневич переезжает в Москву.
Я: постарайся обойтись без дурацких ситуаций
Евневич через месяц в Москве: ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/M6MfngVx23
— Airat Shamilov (@AShamilov) August 25, 2019
While reading something off of his phone, the sprinkler comes round to where he’s standing and gives him a thorough soaking.
In a commendable display of professionalism, he overcomes the initial shock to continue with the item he’s presenting.