Fans have been likening baby passport photos to football hooligans
(Image: Patricil Complex)

PHOTOS: Fans liken their babies’ passport photos to football hooligans

Supporters upload pictures of their round-faced relations.


Got a photo for my daughter's passport (!) & she looks like a Chelsea fan given a three year football banning order after an incident away at Stoke pic.twitter.com/MAqSsPZFlU

— Sam (@samuelblainey) January 10, 2019

When an Arsenal fan shared his baby daughter’s passport photo, he likened her appearance to that of a football hooligan and sparked a series of similar responses.

Football supporters have been uploading passport photos of babies related to them.

Here's my boy's one. He's running the Pompey 657 infant branch FFS. pic.twitter.com/yToNiCL9CB

— Lambey (@itslambey) January 10, 2019

It turns out that a baby’s very first passport picture is remarkably similar to another.

Most of the images feature little hair, plump cheeks and a blank expression on their faces.

My baby cousin definitely supports the magpies. pic.twitter.com/g75xtdWQxf

— Zar (@HusnKalashinkov) January 10, 2019

Close up to the camera they look remarkably reminiscent of old-school troublemakers seen at football grounds around the country.

Chelsea, Portsmouth and Newcastle were, perhaps unfairly, mentioned in the replies.

Sam, that’s not your daughter. That’s Seth Johnson.

— Katy Diggle (@katybrush) January 10, 2019

The 'all babies look like Winston Churchill' thing definitely needs to be replaced by 'all babies look like football hooligans'

— Anita Singh (@anitathetweeter) January 10, 2019

Daily Telegraph arts and entertainment editor Anita Singh commented that “the all babies look like Winston Churchill thing definitely needs to be replaced by all babies look like football hooligans“.

Of course, they also look a bit like EastEnders characters:


“‘Scuse me, guv – you know where Max Branning lives?”
“What’s it to you?”
“He’s my bravva”

— ProperWhopper (@ProperWhopper) January 10, 2019