A Manchester United fan had 'Pogba' shaved into the side of his hair, in Ethiopia
(Image: faungg)

PHOTO: Man Utd fan in Ethiopia gets ‘POGBA’ shaved into the side of his head

Unfortunately the 'B' looks a bit like an extra 'A'.


Manchester united and paul pogba funny from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia pic.twitter.com/bEUIA8WDM5

— kaleab pawlos (@kaleabpt) October 26, 2018

A Manchester United fan has had Paul Pogba’s surname shaved into the side of his head.

The photo of the finished result doesn’t seem to have been taken at a professional barber’s shop with club stickers adorning a speaker on the chest of drawers behind him.

‘POGBA’ has been shaved into the man’s hair but the ‘B’ looks a bit like an ‘A’ that needed to be corrected at some point.

The picture is said to have been taken in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital city.