Freddy Adu promoted a new cordless vacuum cleaner made by Hoover on Twitter
(Image: Jarrett Campbell)

PHOTO: Freddy Adu promotes cordless vacuum cleaner

Published a photo of himself using the Hoover alongside a catchy slogan on Twitter.

No mess can beat me thanks to my new @HooverUSA Cordless 2-In-1 Stick and Handheld Vacuum #NoCordNoBull #sponsored pic.twitter.com/cBcD9ghHAV

— Freddy Adu (@FreddyAdu) November 18, 2015

Former 14-year-old USA wonderkid Freddy Adu has published a photo of himself using the new vacuum cleaner alongside a catchy slogan on Twitter.

Now seemingly on the payroll at Hoover, the now 26-year-old Tampa Bay Rowdies midfielder claims in a self-labelled “sponsored” tweet:

No mess can beat me thanks to my new @HooverUSA Cordless 2-In-1 Stick and Handheld Vacuum #NoCordNoBull

This revelation sparked a wave of mean jokes in the comments:

@djdilute Yeah, I heard good things about the hoover too…

— Joe Crann (@YesWeCrann) November 18, 2015

@FreddyAdu @hamesnotjames @HooverUSA Ahhhh did it suck up your career?

— TOM (@FUNKYT0WN49) November 18, 2015

@FreddyAdu @HooverUSA like is it legit a good hoover or is it bullshit

— Kieran Steers (@SteersKieran) November 18, 2015