The “Wenger out” calls gather momentum once again as Arsene’s Arsenal crash out of the FA Cup at the Emirates to Championship club Blackburn Rovers, so Football Burp visited online Gunners joints Arsenal Mania and Arseblog to find out to what extent the Emirates faithful still support the Frenchman…(of course, things may seem very different should they beat Bayern Munich tomorrow night)…
Stands accused of…
The Jury, Arsenal Mania
As long it didn’t make any difference to Jack and our better players, I wouldn’t give a toss if he went.
Right now, we’re looking at 5th place at best, and going out to 4th tier Bradford in the LC and the worst Blackburn side I’ve ever seen, AT HOME, in our only other realistic chance of a cup. He gets paid £6m a year for that.
How can anyone seriously say he hasn’t taken us as far as he can? How can this be ignored?
Bobs, Arseblog
He could have strengthened in Jan but he is a stubborn old fool and plenty have got off the fence and turned on him.
THunter, Arsenal Mania
£10M for Gervinho, what else is there to say?
Javis, Arseblog
Sad times indeed. It surely is time for bug changes at the end of the season. That may or may not mean Wenger going, or just a shift in his mentality, starting with being ruthless again and making winning a priority and strengthening the squad…sadly I am not sure he has it in him anymore. I’d love to be proved wrong though.
RandomHero84, Arsenal Mania
He has got to go. If not, what is the tipping point?
Gunnin’ Guy, Arseblog
If AW can earns as much without winning anything for 8 years, so should the players too..
The players ain’t to blame cos they didn’t buy themselves…
Put all blames squarely on AW, his choice of players for so long a time has been crap.
As long as he is the “boss” Arsenal will continue to be trophyless
DiamondGooner, Arsenal Mania
we have sunk to the lowest ebb of Wenger’s tenure, there is only one milestone left to hit and that is out of the top 4.
Once we get this dreadful season over with and that happens which is looking likely to say the least there is no stone to hide under …. rock bottom for an elite side, out of the top 4 means you are no longer one of those top teams.
I actually don’t want to see that happen to Wenger but we just can’t bury our heads in the sand with these results.
yousif_arsenal, Arsenal Mania
yes his time is coming to end sadly am really his big fan and he is one of the reasons i start support arsenal because the way was arsenal playing 10 years ago but he is not the same he changed a lot sorry wenger but its time to move out.
Ed Hunter76, Arseblog
It’s all about the arrogance which is reflected basically on anything the manager says or does. Shut the fuck up, I know what I’m doing, I have done this job for 16 years, we have exceptional players, blaah blaah…
Just think about that, how many top club let’s this kind of thing happening? It doesn’t matter what you’ve done 10 years ago for fuck’s sake! Wenger needs to go.
Sydney Gooner, Arsenal Mania
He’s time is well and truly up but unfortunately we won’t see a new manager until his contract expires at the end of the 2013-14 season at the earliest. Don’t know about you lot but the very real possibility of Wenger getting another contract extension scares the **** out of me.
CurryFlavoured, Arsenal Mania
I’ve wanted him to leave for about 2 or 2.5 years now so I’m not going to make a song and dance about it, his managerial powers are a fraction of what they once were and our modernised game has bypassed Arsène whos been left in a time capsule.
I still expect him to see ut his contract and no more unless some extremely unexpected events were to occur.
bubbles, ArseBlog
Yesterday was nothing to do about money or spending it was down to bad management. Blackburns team is worth a fraction of ours and Bradfords.
I was trying to work out the other day how much we had spent on players that didnt make it.
With the money we spent on them we probably could have bought 2 top class players.
And selling RVP it was a fuck up when we done it and now its an even bigger fuck up, well done arsenal on giving United the league.
MaestroCesc, Arsenal Mania
If you dont want Wenger out when the summer comes then frankly you are holding back the club. He is a fraction of the manager he used to be. Losing to Blackburn and Bradford in one season arent coincidences, neither is 8 trophyless seasons.
Obviously he shouldnt leave now that would send the club into crisis but hopefully he can get top 4 and then we can get a new manager.
Dont hold your breath though, no one on the board will have enough balls to make the decision
Armchair Wenger, Arseblog
Arsene will be off at the end of this season. Unless Bale bollixes himself we have no chance of 4th and that has to be straw that breaks the camels back.
8 years now, certainly 9 next year. Can we face a trophyless decade? Is Arsene THAT safe?
and1rew, Arsenal Mania
The “who would we get in?” argument is the last stage of denial about Wenger I think. Once you’ve got that far and you’ve seen off “it’s the refs” or “the board won’t let him invest” or even “it’s the petro-dollars” you’ll soon see the light.
rod, ArseBlog
Wenger has to go as he is a delusional has been, living of ancient history. On the other hand Stan isn’t in this to win, he’s learnt nothing from the glazers, no quality manager would come to arsenal.
MDGoonah41, Arsenal Mania
the issues aren’t even the individual players. we had FAR more quality than blackburn on the pitch today. our “style” of play has become so boring and predictable, teams know they simply have to drop 8 men deep and wait for their 1 chance in the match, because our defenders are sure to have a complete and total breakdown, gifting them a glorious opportunity. it happened again today.
the fact that it keeps happening over and over again is on the manager’s head. i hate even uttering the red nose bastard’s name, but fungus would never let his players get away with the stuff wenger does. the team looks lackadaisical and unfocused for large stretches of time, we are devoid of pace in attack (team pace, not individual players) and we’ve become static. we’re no longer moving up as a club, we’re treading water and trying to keep from drowning. we are arsenal and we deserve a lot better.
‘tard, Arseblog
The worst part about yesterday for me was that it didn’t even hurt that much. It just feels like we are stumbling around aimlessly, just waiting for a man with some vision.
In his defence…
Airknight, Arsenal Mania
Knee jerk responses. Wenger is currently paying the price for poor transfer windows in the summers of 2010 and 2011. He’s righted the ship recently with Podolski, Giroud, Cazorla and Monreal. Hopefully he chooses well again in summer and we get back on track. There are many good aspects about this squad that such loses hide.
All his tactics and planning were reasonable, Szcz is a clown and will surely receive some harsh words from Arsène for GIFTING that goal.
pg1989, Arsenal Mania
Knee jerk responses. The team he put out on are on paper good enough to crush Blackburn to smithereens. I am covinced that we are a few signings away from being a half decent team again.
windy, ArseBlog
Changing manager will do fuck all. Arsene is not the boss. If winning any trophy was top priority we’d not have rested quality players yesterday.
I never understand why we rotate to take CL seriously, must be for the players egos. Take that shite seriously when we’re top of the prem, otherwise fuck it.
Stan out. Would love to hear one good thing he’s done since taking over.
Goonesque, ArseBlog
firing Wenger – which will never happen – won’t change a thing.
Be realistic: Which top-rate manager would take over a club with the limited resources Wenger has at his disposal?
A club which has to sell its best players each season to turn a profit; a club which cannot afford to pay silly wages, and a club whose priority – rightly or wrongly – is to keep a tight ship financially, like any medium-sized company.
A club, sadly, without the ambition to match that of the fans…
pontus, Arseblog
All my eggs are now in the CL basket. A complete overhaul of how the club is run would maybe not be a bad idea. But I don’t think changing manager will do the trick if it doesn’t come with a new policy.
windy, Arseblog
Stan sets the budget for buying players.
Pay peanuts you get monkeys.
There are massively more vested interests now in doing what wenger did, scouting, player training etc, it’s a more level playing field now that scouts are jumping ship etc.
Citeh, Chelsea and manure have all proved if you spend top dollar you can win the PL. even Blackburn showed that.
Who’s ever shown you can do it without spending the most?
Wenger.Now we just are too tight. Always gambling, always having to throw a kid into an unsettled team, cos there’s no money for top quality throughout.
Keep thinking wengers shite and Stan is awesome. I’m not going to waste another day on this argument.
The rot starts at the top, not midway.
And a side gripe…
Josh, Football Burp landlord
What’s going on at Arsenal? Time was when you could get a smoked salmon or tuna-sweetcorn bagel at half time. What happened to that?
I want my club back.
Wenger in? Wenger out? Wenger subsequent hokey cokey instruction? What do you think, Arsenal fans? Have your say in the comments section below…