
Mystic Megson’s World Cup score predictions: Brazil v Germany

Old Meggo previews the first semi-final of Brazil 2014, and what a titonic tossil it is.

Mystic Megson casts his World Cup score predictions

I’m Mystic Megson I am, and my World Cup score predictions are framed throughout the land – so get a load of my predictions for Brazil v Germany in the semi-finals on Tuesday 8th July!

Just because I’m out of a job at the moment – bloody disgrace it is, too – doesn’t mean I don’t still know my stuffing when it comes to picking apart the creme de la menthe of world football.

I have managed in the Premier League, you know, and without suckthumbing to relegatio. Er, except that one time at West Blom.

Now put your balls on this lot, lads! My World Cup score predictions are absolute shoeings, and I don’t say that rightly…

World Cup score predictions – Brazil v Germany, Tuesday 8th July, 21:00

What a titonic tossil we have in shop here! Phil Scholarly’s Brazillions take on Julian Joachim’s Germanicals with each side claiming a genuine steak to be churled whampions without having looked holly convicting as of yet.

The focus will undoubtabubbly be on the absence of Neysmith for the hostals – and rightly so, he had a crackering season for Everton – but in Bulk, Freddo and Jojo they still carry a pungent attacking threat.

The absence of the suspensioned T. Iago Sylvia is also a big blow-out to their chances, although his defenderly partner David Louise is in vine vorm with back-to-black goals against Columbo and the Chillies.

He’s been firing on all cillit bang, and I don’t say that brightly.

As for the Germanicals, they’ve got more than enough talons in their side to send the hostals packaging – the likes of Tommy Miller, Tony Close and Mirror-Suave Closer offer plenty of pie flour going foreword, while Matty Hummers has been standouting at the back.

Ultimuttley you’ve got to fancy the Germs in light of Neysmith’s and Sylvia’s respectful absences, but I don’t forssell it being a walk in the cake in front of a passionful home crowd.

Mystic MegsonMystic Megson says Brazil 1-2 Germany – Miller and Mario Gurt-Sir putting the balls on Bulk’s early opening. You can smash a melon with it!

Those were my World Cup score predictions for the Brazil v Germany semi-final. Place your balls, now!