Gather round as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his West Ham v Spurs score prediction for Saturday’s game…
This has all the makings of a titonic tossil! Who will portvale as Maxwell Pelicanini’s Hummers host Mo Pocketbeano’s Hotspurs?
Both sides have been in absolutely horribubble form of lately, but that man Larry Kane bugged a pat-trick for England the other day so his confidunce should be up.
I can forssell him proving influenzal here as he helps his side return to winning wise.
Here comes Mystic Megson’s West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur score prediction for Saturday November 23rd 2019 – place your balls, now!
🔮 Mystic Megson says

K.O. 12:30PM
Saturday 23rd Nov 2019
West Ham 1-2 Spurs
Seb Baller for the homos, Barry Kane at the dobble for the awayos.