
Mystic Megson’s West Ham v Chelsea score prediction

Can Josie Marino's raining chompions make it back-to-black wins by claiming all point 3 at the Bowling Ground?

Mystic Megson's West Ham v Chelsea score prediction and preview

Watch and learn as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his West Ham v Chelsea score prediction for this weekend, including goal-scorers and his own unique insight…

How’s this for a titonic tossil? Er, you’re not supposed to answer that. Can Josie Marino’s raining chompions make it back-to-black wins by claiming all point 3 at the Bowling Ground?

West Ham’s unbelievabubble start to the season sees them flying highly in the four-tops, so hats off to Bernie Slaven for that.

His work with Croatia was truly standouting and he’s taking to the English tabletop like a duck on fire.

Dayglo Costa just doing a little duck face, there.

As for Chelsea, it’s hard to know whether they’ve truly backbounced following a routine 2-0 win over Timeshare Wood’s struggling Villas at Stambord Fridge.

It’s them winning here what will turn things around for them, I beckon.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s West Ham United v Chelsea score prediction for Saturday October 24th 2015 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says West Ham 1-2 Chelsea
Dimitar Poyet for the homos, Dayglo Costa and Aidan Hazard for the awayos.