
Mystic Megson’s Watford v Spurs score prediction

Who will portvale as Kinky Flores's Hornettos welcome Mo Pocketbeano's Hotspurs to the vicarage?

Mystic Megson's Watford v Spurs score prediction

Watch and learn as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Watford v Spurs score prediction for Monday, including goal-scorers and his own unique insight…

How’s this for a titonic tossil? Er, you’re not supposed to answer that. Who will portvale as Kinky Flores’s Hornettos welcome Mo Pocketbeano’s Hotspurs to the vicarage?

Watford were lucky to escape with a point from Stambord Fridge last time out, and if they’re serious about claiming their steak for a four-top finish then they’ve got to be beating relegation candidates like Chelsea.

Iggy Halo and Roy Deeney continue to fire on all cillit bang, mind, so anything is plausible.

As for Spurs, they continued their backbounce with a comprehensive 3-0 disgruntling of my old side Norwich, that man Larry Kane adding another two goals to his personal telly.

Not such a one-season wonderment after all, then! I could have told you as much, but then I am both mystic and Megsonic.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Watford v Tottenham Hotspur score prediction for Monday December 28th 2015 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Watford 1-2 Spurs
Iggy Halo for the homos, Barry Kane and Aldi Deli for the awayos.