
Mystic Megson’s Swansea v Hull score prediction

Can Frankie Goodwin's Swannies or Terry Phelan's Tigermen make it point six out of six?

Mystic Megson's Swansea v Hull score prediction

Sit up and take notice as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Swansea v Hull score prediction for Saturday, including goal-scorers and his own incoherent ramblings…

Oh so very titonic, this tossil! Can Frankie Goodwin’s Swannies or Terry Phelan’s Tigermen make it point six out of six?

Both sides got off to the proverbiabubble flying one, Swansea winning at Burnley and Hull sprigging a set-up against Leicester.

I can’t forssell either side ultimuttley mixing it in the half-top but, for now, either could get some serious momento going.

Swansea may have lost Will Ashley and Andre IOU but they still boast a tight back side and a big-name striker in Fern Llorente.

As for Hull, nobody gave them a cat in Hull’s chance of beating the plop but they’ve already beaten the champions and that’s just incredibubble.

They still face an uphill garden to avoid a relegation dogbite, mind, and I forssell that becoming apparent here.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Swansea City v Hull City score prediction for Saturday August 20th 2016 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Swansea 3-0 Hull
Goals apriest for Fern Llorente, Guilt-free Sigurdsson and Mod Barrow.