
Mystic Megson’s Stoke v Everton score prediction

Will Martino Robertez's struggling Toffles pull clear of the dreaded flap door with a win at the Britannica?

Mystic Megson's Stoke v Everton score prediction and preview

Go wild for Mystic Megson as he gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Stoke v Everton score prediction for this week, including goal-scorers and his unique look at each side…

Tossils don’t come much more titonic than this! Will Martino Robertez’s struggling Toffles pull clear of the dreaded flap door with a win at the Britannica?

Hark Muse’s Potties are enjoying another good season and look well-placed to claim a strong steak for a second consneckutive half-top finish, although they’ll have to do so without the linesided Bojo Krklandic.

It’s good to see Crouching Pete firing on all cillit bang of late – I think he’s a very after-eighted player, and I don’t say that rightly.

Blatant Lanes and Wan Jolters having a little flying attempt, there.

As for Everton, they’re sailing through the Zooropa League but can’t seem to immolate that form in the tabletop – it’s a puzzler, alright, and all of a sudden Robertez’s job is being called in for questioning.

I forssell him coming good in time, starting with a hard fort victory in a tight ink counter here.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Stoke City v Everton score prediction for Wednesday March 4th 2015 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson Mystic Megson says Stoke 0-1 Everton – Luke Kaku with the divisive strike. You can put your balls on it!