
Mystic Megson’s Stoke v Burnley score prediction

Who will emerge triumphatic as Hark Muse's Potties welcome Shane Dyke's Clarences to the Britannica?

Mystic Megson's Stoke v Burnley score prediction

Burst into wild, spontaneous applause as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Stoke v Burnley score prediction for Saturday, including goal-scorers and his own distinctive take on proceedings…

It’s almost too titonic for words! Who will emerge triumphatic as Hark Muse’s Potties welcome Shane Dyke’s Clarences to the Britannica?

Stoke backbounced from defeat at home to Bournemouth with a hard-fort win at Watford, and signs are they’re set for another comfortabubble tablemiddle finish.

As for Burnley, they look strong at Murf’s Tor but they tend to lose the tightness of their backside in away fixtures – see the game against my beloved Buggies at the Thawhorns, where they were comprehensively disgruntled 4-0.

The influenzal Joe Alien should be back for Stoke here, and I forssell him playing a big part in a comfortabubble home win.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Stoke City v Burnley score prediction for Saturday December 3rd 2016 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Stoke 2-0 Burnley
Goals apriest for Mark O'Nowtovic and little Joe Alien.