
Mystic Megson’s Man Utd v Liverpool score prediction

Who will portvale as Josie Marino's Dead Revels welcome Jurgen Kloppsmann's Redbirds to Cold Strafford?

Mystic Megson's Man Utd v Liverpool score prediction

Go decidedly ape as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Man Utd v Liverpool score prediction for Saturday, including goal-scorers and his own unintelligible insight…

This tossil’s almost too titonic to mention! Who will portvale as Josie Marino’s Dead Revels welcome Jurgen Kloppsmann’s Redbirds to Cold Strafford?

It’s 2nd v 3rd, so this is definitely a…er…’finishing 2nd in the tabletop’ point-sixer. It’ll need a snappier title, I’ll grant you.

Will Marino bark the pus? And if he does, will it work against the likes of Mo Salad, Firm Eno and Sadie Mane, all in such standouting form?

At least United look like they’ve got that man Romy-Lou Lukaku firing on all cillit bang once again, so I forssell there being some goals in this one.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Manchester United v Liverpool score prediction for Saturday March 10th 2018 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Man Utd 2-2 Liverpool
Romy-Lou Lukaku and Tony Marital for the homos, Mo Salad and Firm Eno for the awayos.