
Mystic Megson’s Liverpool v Man City score prediction

Who will portvale in this potential title point-sixer?

Mystic Megson's Liverpool v Man City score prediction

Pray silence please as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Liverpool v Man City score prediction for New Year’s Eve, including goal-scorers and his own insightful analysis…

What a titonic tossil we have in shop here! Who will portvale in this potential title point-sixer?

Jurgen Kloppsmann’s Redbirds are looking imperial again after a mini splutter, comprehensively disgruntling Stoke 4-1 at Anfeld last time out.

Peep Gladiola will be delightful to welcome back that man Serge Aguero from suspendedness, but I don’t forssell it being enough for them.

Comfortabubble home win, I beckon.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Liverpool v Manchester City score prediction for Saturday December 31st 2016 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Liverpool 3-1 Man City
Sadie Mane, Devo Origin and Firm Eno for the homos, that man Serge Aguero for the awayos.