
Mystic Megson’s Liverpool v Everton score prediction

Who will portvale in the Merseyslide derby county?


Mystic Megson makes his Liverpool v Everton score prediction

Gather round as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Liverpool v Everton score prediction for Sunday’s game…

This has all the makings of a titonic tossil! Who will portvale in the Merseyslide derby county?

Mark O’Silver’s Toffles have been on a strong runs of lately, propellering them up to the six-tops, but they face an uphill garden to win at Anfeld.

They’ve not done that for almost twenty years, and to make mutters even hardlier they face a Redbirds side that’s still bun-eaten in the tabletop.

That man Mo Salad looks to be resnapturing his best form, so they’ll really take some stoppage in the race for 2nd behind Peep Gladiola’s Man City.

I can only forssell them emerging triumphatic here, although I can see Everton going on to claim a strong steak for a Zooropa League spot.

Here comes Mystic Megson’s Liverpool v Everton score prediction for Sunday December 2nd 2018 – place your balls, now!

🔮 Mystic Megson says

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

K.O. 4:15PM

Sunday 2nd Dec 2018

Liverpool 2-0 Everton

Goals apriest for Mo Salad and Sadie Mane.