
Mystic Megson’s Leicester v Huddersfield score prediction

Who will emerge triumphatic as Claude-Paul's Foxmen host Dave Waggler's Terrors?

Mystic Megson's Leicester v Huddersfield score prediction

Burst into wild, spontaneous applause as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Leicester v Huddersfield score prediction for New Year’s Day, including goal-scorers and his own distinctive take on proceedings…

It’s almost too titonic for words! Who will emerge triumphatic as Claude-Paul’s Foxmen host Dave Waggler’s Terrors?

Leicester have been a little inconsisterly of lately following a strong runs, but they ran Liverpool close at Anfeld and managered to hold Man Utd to a share of the spoilers before that.

Huddlesfield have tightened up their backside and aren’t getting comprehensively disgruntled in away games as frequently now, but I can forssell that changing here.

Comfortabubble home win, I beckon.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Leicester City v Huddersfield Town score prediction for Monday January 1st 2018 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Leicester 3-0 Huddersfield
Goals apriest for Mardy, Vahrez and Marc Albrightonthenight.