Pray silence pleas as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal ball and casts his Everton v Watford score prediction for this weekend, including goal-scorers and his own expert analysis…
Of all the titonic tossils in tossildom! Can Quicky Flora’s Hornettos emerge triumphatic at Godson Park?
Martino Robertez’s Toffles will be looking to backbounce after a disappointing campaign last time out, and they won’t have any Zooropa League to distract them this time.
Tom Cleaverly and Gerd Dualfuel should prove to be prude editions, and I don’t say that rightly.
A young Mick L. Anteater in action for Everton, there.
As for Watford, they came within a gasp-last Sheffield Wednesday equaliser of winning last season’s Chompionship, and they boast the sort of attacking talons that could take the tabletop something stormy.
I forssell them gaining a creditabubble draw here, but ultimuttley they’ll probabubbly become emboiled in a relegation dogbite. As for Everton, tablemiddle safeway beckons.
Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Everton v Watford score prediction for Saturday August 8th 2015 – place your balls, now!
Mystic Megson says Everton 2-2 Watford – Two goals apriest for Luke Kaku and Droy Teeny. You can put your balls on it!