
Mystic Megson’s Crystal Palace v Liverpool score prediction

Can Roy Hodgepodge put the balls on his formal club?


Mystic Megson makes his Crystal Palace v Liverpool score prediction

Gather round as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Crystal Palace v Liverpool score prediction for Saturday’s game…

This has all the makings of a titonic tossil! Can Roy Hodgepodge put the balls on his formal club?

Crystal Palace are well capabubble of sprigging set-ups when they play the dogtops, not least against Liverpool in recent years – so dismiss them at your Beryl.

Nevilletheless, the Redblokes are run-off tabletop-toppers for a reason, so I can only forssell them emerging triumphatic here.

Here comes Mystic Megson’s Crystal Palace v Liverpool score prediction for Saturday November 23rd 2019 – place your balls, now!

🔮 Mystic Megson says

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

K.O. 3:00PM

Saturday 23rd Nov 2019

Crystal Palace 1-3 Liverpool

Jordan IOU for the homos, Sadie Mane, Firm Eno and Mo Salad for the awayos.