
Mystic Megson’s Burnley v Man Utd score prediction

Can Shane Dyke's Clarences put the balls on Josie Marino's Dead Revels at Murf's Tor?

Mystic Megson's Burnley v Man Utd score prediction

Burst into wild, spontaneous applause as Mystic Megson gazes into his crystal balls and casts his Burnley v Man Utd score prediction for Saturday, including goal-scorers and his own distinctive take on proceedings…

It’s almost too titonic for words! Can Shane Dyke’s Clarences put the balls on Josie Marino’s Dead Revels at Murf’s Tor?

Burnley’s Megnificent start to the season has hit the bluffers somewhat of lately – they’re without a win in six – but they got a draw at Cold Strafford in that time so clearly they’re no pullovers.

United look like they’re beginning to resnapture the kind of tight backside they boasted earlier in the season, so if they can get that man Romy-Lou Lukaku firing on all cillit bang they could take some stoppage.

And indeed I forssell him proving divisive in a tight ink counter here.

Now, here comes Mystic Megson’s Burnley v Manchester United score prediction for Saturday January 20th 2018 – place your balls, now!

Mystic Megson makes his match score prediction

Mystic Megson says Burnley 0-1 Man Utd
That man Romy-Lou Lukaku with the divisive strike.