We’ve collected our favourite Luis Suárez Arsenal jokes after Arsène Wenger’s side made a new bid of £40m plus £1 for the unsettled Liverpool striker.
Arsenal’s improved offer is just £1 higher than the club’s previous bid and, although it has provided the source of much amusement, is designed to trigger a clause in the player’s contract which allows him to hold talks with any club that offers more than £40 million.
Liverpool are not obliged to sell the Uruguayan star however.
So, to the Suárez Arsenal jokes:
What do you think they're smoking over there at Emirates?
— John W. Henry (@John_W_Henry) July 24, 2013
.@John_W_Henry Hey John, we think you might be onto something…this just in from the Emirates! #FoShizzle pic.twitter.com/QrNRn8iGmE
— Paddy Power (@paddypower) July 24, 2013
I knew Wenger was into the good stuff – pic.twitter.com/pjNQIxfZyP
— ParkedTheBus (@ParkedTheBus) July 24, 2013
Put the New York Diesel away Wenger #AFC #LFC http://t.co/QBNynhoORj
— Liverpool Ways (@LiverpoolWays) July 24, 2013
#Suarez #Wenger #Arsenal #Rodgers #Liverpool #40Million pic.twitter.com/GcgFJYQ5yT
— Alex (@alexmurray1992) July 24, 2013
Arsenal lodge £42 million bid for Suarez pic.twitter.com/qq5XLNj1xb
— Anfield Road (@ThoseScouseLads) July 23, 2013
Anything over £40,000,000 allows Suarez to talk to any interested club. So Arsene places the bid and throws in a £1. pic.twitter.com/wTTIwKCtED
— Jámez (@jrph3) July 23, 2013
Liverpool said they want at least £40,000,000 for Suarez. Arsenal offered £40,000,001 . pic.twitter.com/MQxC8j3vdg
— Zcott (@ZcottAFC) July 23, 2013
£40,000,000 and what Wenger? pic.twitter.com/zaG3vSkpST
— Footy Humour (@FootyHumour) July 23, 2013
Mr. Wenger @Arsenal @lfc pic.twitter.com/o2YiVPgQq4
— Ahmed Al Khoori (@Ahmed91Gooner) July 24, 2013
One pound bid, come on Wenger, come on Wenger. One pound bid! pic.twitter.com/gE5JrjEqcb #onepoundbid
— Dominic Campbell (@dom_campbell) July 23, 2013
One Pound Suarez….hahaha pic.twitter.com/0lpTDP8n3h
— AFC FŪTŪRĖ (@madimaadi) July 24, 2013
Arsenal offer £40,000,001 for Suarez. pic.twitter.com/WpIFFsUBxw
— Padraig (@PadraigAFC) July 23, 2013
Liverpool's Managing Director Ian Ayre and Robbie Fowler react to Arsenal's £40,000,001 offer for Suarez! pic.twitter.com/LrLJXBbfCi
— Ladbrokes (@Ladbrokes) July 24, 2013
Arsene Wenger has stated the bid of £40 million plus £1 for Suarez isn't true. The extra £1 was in fact for Stuart Downing.
— Football Funnys (@FootballFunnys) July 24, 2013
Liverpool have rejected an improved offer of £40,000,001 from Arsenal for Luis #Suarez but how about £40,000,002? pic.twitter.com/vnyCZVzltf
— Minions™ (@The_mini0ns) July 24, 2013
Arsene Wenger prepares his next bid for Luis Suarez… pic.twitter.com/f8bjv9AY6t
— Footy Humour (@FootyHumour) July 23, 2013
BREAKING: Arsene Wenger prepares a final bid for Liverpool's Luis Suarez! pic.twitter.com/G1u8ras5KQ
— Mario Balotelli (@MarioBaloltelli) July 24, 2013
If Suarez joins arsenal their team be like… pic.twitter.com/30XJN5Q9OP
— The LAD Experience (@LADexperience) July 24, 2013
Luiz Suarez is coming on pic.twitter.com/kHhEcK2jEg
— SH AFC (@goonerest86) July 24, 2013
Suarez when he assisted that goal today: pic.twitter.com/Uy1ipq6DsW
— Sai (@gunnerthoughts) July 24, 2013
Luis Suarez forced to play FIFA on his own as all the Liverpool lads are off in their own groups… #Awkward pic.twitter.com/TH8P4poiZX
— Footy Humour (@FootyHumour) July 23, 2013
Liverpool fans react to the Suarez bid.. pic.twitter.com/OrqqHpMUHs
— Darren NOT Fletcher (@thefletcher24) July 24, 2013
Ian Ayres reaction to Arsenals bid #Wenger #IanAyre pic.twitter.com/gbmAIIMug1
— LFC News and Streams (@LfcHub_Streams) July 23, 2013
Luis Suarez to Arsenal means Wenger needs a new jacket. Hope the zips work better on this one. pic.twitter.com/VEtmlDfWZ7
— Doug Nichols (@TheTXI) July 23, 2013
Luis Suarez has left Liverpool's Australian tour, and he's travelling to The Emirates for talks. pic.twitter.com/VMHBArEXyw
— James 'Raul' Stokes (@_ArmchairGooner) July 24, 2013
Suarez flying back to London to discuss his move to the mighty arsenal pic.twitter.com/RgCXW754lJ
— andreas nicolaou (@andygoon63) July 24, 2013
IT'S OFFICIAL! Suarez definitely moving to Arsenal – here's the proof. http://t.co/nAKDH9vcaZ
First released image of Suarez donning the famous Woolwich Arsenal shirt #Woolwich pic.twitter.com/acbcN5STTJ
— Taribo West (@Taribo_West_) July 24, 2013
Suárez Saviour Bonus
So Luis #Suarez is a good a guy, after all. pic.twitter.com/sG8HnZ9u3I
— Arsene's Son (@hughwizzy) July 24, 2013
PLUS: Wenger on a slide
Arsene Wenger on a slide is still my favourite off the field photo though. pic.twitter.com/nchATZDkJ7
— Liam Tomkins (@liam_tomkins) July 23, 2013