
The best #AskJesus tweets for Man City star Navas

As if that hashtag wasn't only ever going to lead to one thing.

#AskJesus was meant for this guy, not the other guy
Jesus… Crossed wires (Image: Gabrielcorbachobermejo)

Yes, #AskJesus – that’s how Manchester City saw fit to hashtag their Twitter Q&A with winger Jesús Navas, as if that wasn’t only ever going to lead to one thing.

On a day which also brought wisecrackers out in their hordes for a Frank Lampard Q&A hashtagged #AskLamps, why not celebrate this cracking start to the week for hijacked Q&As by browsing our selection of the best #AskJesus tweets…

#ASKJESUS: Got a question for @JNavas? We're sitting down with him today so get them in now! #mcfc pic.twitter.com/Slr8XcM9TA

— Manchester City FC (@MCFC) July 28, 2014

Can you explain why you walk on water but dive on Grass? #AskJesus

— Heisenberg (@gaffnr) July 28, 2014

You fed 5,000 with five loaves and two fish, so why didn't you give Yaya a cake? #AskJesus

— Michael (@SouthernSofties) July 28, 2014

#AskJesus How does it feel having more than 12 followers now? @JNavas @MCFC

— CHIEF. (@FutbolOverload) July 28, 2014

Did you become a winger because of your previous experience with crosses? #AskJesus

— b. (@_wangwe) July 28, 2014

#askjesus you walked on water but can you do it on a cold, Tuesday night in Stoke?

— Chris (@Kristov86) July 28, 2014

#AskJesus What are your thoughts on Judas and do you think he should start over David Silva this year?

— Messi Minutes (@MessiMinutes) July 28, 2014

#AskJesus I'm having a party, but I'm a bit strapped for cash. If I buy a couple of bottles of Evian, could you, you know… do your thing?

— James Murphy (@AverageCynic) July 28, 2014

#askjesus I know your mum was trying to avoid telling Joseph she slept with the postman, but did she ever think it'd get this out of hand?

— Amitai Winehouse (@awinehouse1) July 28, 2014

@MCFC @JNavas #askjesus did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons ?

— Callum R Mackey (@CRMackey27) July 28, 2014