French actress turned singer Julia Channel has a very special guest waiting for us at the end of the video for her forthcoming single “Forever In A Day” – why, it’s none other than Champions League winner and all-round Chelsea legend Didier Drogba! We caught up with Julia for a quick chat about how that came to be, and of course about her new career – first, though, check out the video for “Forever In A Day”, which will be released on June 17th…
How do you know Didier Drogba?
I have known Didier for seven years now. He’s French like me so we had many friends in common, but we really started to talk to each other the day I interviewed him for Live Night And Day, and we also did a photo-shoot together. He’s a really relaxed person and success hasn’t changed him at all, he remembers where he comes from. I am the same so it creates a link!
Did you watch the Champions League final? Have you spoken to him since then?
Oooh yes! Of course I watched the final, that was awesome. I was so happy for him because I know it was really important for him to win the Champions League. I was definitely trembling during the whole game, but it’s really funny, I was totally sure they’d win. I had a kind of vision where they were carrying the cup – no worries I’m not a witch! Yes, I congratulated him straight after.
Are you interested in football? If so, which team do you support?
Well, I like to watch the big games, like the world cup or Champions League. I’ve never been a supporter of the French team – my favourite team was Cameroon when Roger Milla was still playing. When I was younger, I was fan of the Dutch team and for a few years now I’ve been a supporter of The Blue. It’s very easy to get to the stadium as I live nearby.
How long have you been making and performing music for?
I started music in 1995. I did a lot of recordings for me and other artists too. I often did backing vocals. Let’s say that my music story has been an incredibly long journey for me – it took me 17 years to arrive to this album. Obviously it’s not my choice that it has been so long – I had to accept many refusals – but as it’s my passion, I never quit and started again and again. Now we will see …
Where can we hear your music online?
My song “Forever In A Day” and all the remixes will be available on iTunes on June 17th, but of course you can watch the music video on YouTube.
Is there a full album?
Yes there’s a full album. It took me more than two years to do it but now there are just three more songs to record and it’s done. It’s called Colors and will be released later this year.
Do you still do acting?
No, I haven’t done acting for many years, unless I’m offered an interesting role. Recently an international production wanted me to be in one of their sci-fi productions, but I had to refuse. I don’t think the part would have been a good thing for me as I had to be kind of naked again, not really what I want to do now!
How is your dating website going?
My dating website is going really well. Now we have reached the cruise speed, so it’s stable. When one member stops, we have another straight away. It has become very popular, and we are now working on expanding in other francophone territories as Quebec .
Are there any other singers that you’d like to recommend or give a shout-out to?
Oh yes , I just discovered an artist recently – her name is Baiyu and her track’s called “Take A Number”. The song is really cool and she’s got a great voice – it’s not the style you’d expect from her, but it works!
Who are your top five favourite bands/solo artists of all time?
1. George Michael
2. Stevie Wonder
3. Marvin Gaye
4. Anita Baker
5. Adele
Julia Channel, thank you.
Julia’s new single “Forever In A Day” is out on June 17th. For more information, please visit