
Jonny Forumer: Sunderland fans welcome Cattermole extension

Jonny ForumerWho cares what a bunch of disinterested hacks have to say when you can get the skinny direct from those to whom it matters most? Well, good news – Football Burp’s very own Jonny Forumer, lurker extraordinaire, is here to collate choice message board analysis so you can get the lowdown from the people who really know what they’re on about. Take it away, Jonny…

Morning folks, Jonny Forumer signing in. Sunderland manager Martin O’Neill has moved to secure his captain Lee Cattermole on a new four-year deal, so I hotfooted it down to online Black Cats joint Ready to Go to gauge the reaction of this particular subcategory of the Stadium of Light faithful…

Black Cats captain Lee Cattermole has signed a new four-year deal
Cattermole… Lee Cattermole (Img: Kafuffle)


Good stuff, important to get him tied down


Class news, an important player for us


This has ruined my morning.

I can’t understand what people see in him.

Can’t pass, can’t shoot, can’t tackle, no discipline.

Only ever breaks up the play because he has given the ball away in the first place.


If you cant see the job he did against stoke that we were missing against the mags then you dont know football.


Is that the ‘breaking up the play’ job?

The same job as the likes of Fellaini, Toure, Scholes and Tiote do, yet manage to play football football? They all create things, cause problems at the other end.


I can’t understand why a) you cant see what he adds to the team – if we had a genuine quality creative player alongside him he would look even better – and more importantly b) why, even if you dont like him as a player, you cant see how important it is for players to be tied to contracts.

The alternative, is that Cattermole (or whoever the player may be) walks away from the Club at the end of his contract for free. That, makes no sense whatsoever, for those that have our Club at heart.

Idlewild Mackem…

Great to have him signed up, he’s important to the team and would look miles better in the middle with Vaughn alongside him.

super sleeves…

Good stuff, proved how important he is to us when he was out for those 3 games


The problem is that none of our midfielders offers anything going forward ATM, so Catts defensive qualities makes him look the best.


The only good thing about this is that it protects our £6m investment with him being in last year of contract and doesn’t turn into another Craig Gordon shambles scenario.

roker beach…

One player who keeps working and who keeps encouraging the other players, whatever the minute or score.


Not his biggest fan but I still love seeing players commited to the club, for too long we’ve had players come and go after 1/2 years like Bent, Jones, Cana, Gyan etc, and we wonder why we never compete or have any consistancy. Look at other clubs like Everton, Fulham and the scum, they have players who have been there years and who are real fan favourites, we dont really have anyone at the moment like that apart from Bardo who has been here a while and gives his all and understands what the club means. Hopefully Catts can be here for years and be a legend like Ball


not bad at all, in fact all things considered its a very good thing.

ive got one or two reservations about cattermole buts he’s a long way from being in the worst five players in our squad. get rid of the driftwood first, replace them with better players, then we’ll re-assess catts. in our current set up he deserves in be in/around the first team just about every week.

he does bring something a bit different to the team. whether that “difference” is needed every game is debatable but its good to have in the squad if required. there are others who get the same job done but in a different/less risky way. best left up to MON to decide.

it protects our investment as there’s no doubts he’s still worth a few million.

Flash Gordon…

Great news. He’s our best central midfielder and the first name on the team sheet.

Are you pleased with Lee Cattermole’s contract extension, Sunderland fans? Have your say in the comments section below…