It’s footballers…it’s moaning…it’s pre-season training…yes folks, it’s Footballers Moaning About Pre-Season Training! Take it away, footballers…
My legs feel like this dudes lol yfrog.com/ny527fvj
— chris herd (@chrisherdy) July 10, 2012
Legs are ready to give way after the gym. Food shopping has been done as well, chicken and salad for dinner. #CarbFree
— Joleon Lescott (@JoleonLescott) July 10, 2012
Beloved Friends,2day training was hard.Beginning of pre season is always like that,a lot of work and pain,but we gotta dowhat gotta do
— André Santos!!! (@Andre_Santos27) July 10, 2012
Ola amigos,2- dia de treino..Começo de temporada é sempre mto dificil,mas temos q trabalhar forte, pois a temporada é longa.Vamos q vamos ;)
— André Santos!!! (@Andre_Santos27) July 10, 2012
day 2 done , long and very tough session , legs are in bits #nopainnogain
— neil danns (@dannzy1) July 10, 2012
Un poco de agua fría para recuperar la doble sesión de hoy! Bona nit
— Carles Puyol(@Carles5puyol) July 9, 2012
After the second day of preseason… It feels like we have been back for weeks!!!
— Massimo Luongo (@Mass_L) July 10, 2012
winding down for the night. been a tough day. gonna go see what @scott_sinclair, @ryanbertrand3, @jackcork1 n @danny25rose are doing.
— Tom Cleverley (@tomclevz23) July 10, 2012
First session done. #ooofff
— DM (@DavidMeyler) July 11, 2012
Swimming was a killer… I need ma bed
— Nile ranger (@NilePowerRanger) July 11, 2012
Wow what a hard day that was…feeling it now…goin to grab some food with @the_stears then go pick up my dog been to long miss him #baxter
— steven fletcher (@stevenfletch10) July 11, 2012
Afternoon sleep before second session! #unreal #bestsleep
— Josh McEachran (@JMcEachran20) July 12, 2012
And one who’s not…
Somewhere… @ img.ly/kEcn
— Xabi Alonso (@XabiAlonso) July 11, 2012