It’s the Paolo Di Canio celebration that’s been sweeping the nation! Has the newly installed Sunderland manager’s celebratory knee slide during the 3-0 win at Newcastle United made amends for the fact that he’s a total fascist, even though he was forced into saying he isn’t?
Football Burp saw what footballers on Twitter had to say about it, as we do with every breaking event from around the globe, football-related or otherwise, twenty-four hours a day – and they seemed to be into it…
Paulo Di Canio. What a legend.…
— Football Funnys (@FootballFunnys) April 14, 2013
Di Canio. Amazing Passion. (@lagvilava7)…
— Football Funnys (@FootballFunnys) April 14, 2013
Great finish. Di Canio’s celebration was better than the goal scorers. Great to see a manager with that passion even if it is 5under1and one
— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) April 14, 2013
Script was written for Di Canio. How can a a manager with that passion not inspire his players. Newcastle’s season unraveling…
— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) April 14, 2013
Have a look at Paolo Di Canio!!! Sunderland 2-0 at St James’s Park. Another individual effort this time from Johnson. Prem better with Paolo
— Robbie Mustoe (@robbiemustoe) April 14, 2013
How good is Paolo do canio haha!! Class celebration that!! #legend
— Aaron cresswell (@Aaron_Cresswell) April 14, 2013
Hahaha di canio what a legend
— Shane Duffy (@ShaneDuffy34) April 14, 2013
Di Canio what a man, not enough Characters like him in the game. Sunderland deserved that should have had a pen. Good game so far.
— Grant mccann (@grantmccann11) April 14, 2013
Di Canio the next Jose .What passion.
— Brian Greenhoff (@hoffgreen) April 14, 2013
What a picture RT “@itvfootball: A fan who is bored of Paolo Di Canio is bored of life……”
— Sam Matterface (@sammatterface) April 14, 2013
Di canio is gonna be brilliant for the prem! #kneeslide
— chris solly (@cjsolly) April 14, 2013
Di canio is one funny guy!
— Jamie Paterson (@jamiepaterson12) April 14, 2013
Di Canio is a reason why I love football #passion
— Max Power (@17Max_Power) April 14, 2013
Hahaha Di Canio, love that celebration!
— BradleyGarmston#3 (@BradleyGarmston) April 14, 2013
You just got to love Di Canio.. #SoMuchPassion
— Jermaine McGlashan (@Mcglashan7) April 14, 2013
Di canio is f ing ledge.
— Dean leacock (@DeanoLeacock) April 14, 2013
Got to love the passion Di Canio brings to football
— George Evans (@GeorgeEvans70) April 14, 2013
Gotta love Di Canio…No one in the prem like him since Mourinho
— Fraser Franks (@Fraserfranks) April 14, 2013
Got to love Di Canio he’s a madman! I reckon his banter unreal #CrazyItalians
— Ian McLoughlin (@Ianmcloughlin16) April 14, 2013
Di canio is a sick guy #botherd
— TommyParkes (@parkesy123) April 14, 2013
What do you think? Does the Paolo Di Canio celebration make up for all the fascism? Have your say in the comments section below…